Friday, July 3, 2009

my life as a Christian, a non legalistic one.....

Every day, every moment, my relationship with my Savior is one that is always in the back of my mind. That's the problem... learning to balance my tendency to go into what I call "Maintenance Mode" with my kids and let everything else kinda come second.

I have been raised as a Christian, my parents are wonderful people who display Christs love to everyone they meet (some of you may have experienced this already). Its a hard act to follow. But the high expectations that puts on me is a good thing.

Every now and then, God gives me a slap on the head and says... "Jenna, Me first, those kids you have were a gift from me... that's husband of yours is a gift from me... those parents of yours are a gift from me."

I am the kinda gal who enjoys a good time. I love to have fun, I love people, I love kids, I love relationships and I love the work you put into them. Its so satisfying to see after almost 12 years, my marriage which has had good and hard times, come out almost 12 years later so legitly real.

The hard times, God allowed, I believe, to bring John and I out of our comfort zones and have to relay on Him.

We looked at each other after a very hard year of Elizabeth being very ill, John losing his job at the brokerage firm, and having to work 2 full time jobs to keep this roof over our head, and we can now say... "Wow, we learned a heck of a lot!."

We learned that Family is everything... love them no matter what... as with all things "This to shall pass."

We learned that we are a team. Our kids depend on us, we have pretty traditional roles and we find that works well for us. He goes to work, I stay home and take care of babies.

We learned that good friends are a blessing.

We learned though Elizabeth being sick and John losing his job that being a good friend is as important as having good friends.

"A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.Prov 18:24 New King James Version"

We also learned that all things really do work out for good... we have a pretty damn good life. One I am proud of. We have 4 beautiful children who I think are pretty good kids. They all have distinct personalities that God has giving them and I would not change one!

Elizabeth: smart, loving, a care giver. Always there to pick up a fallen friend or sibling.

Victoria: strong, opinioned, loving and snuggly. Always willing to hug and kiss her mama... always ready to defend a sibling!

Katie: Sweet, loving, precious... and feisty!

Johnny: all boy, loves his mama, looks up to his dada.. ready to smash and crash.

What it comes down to is that I really feel God has blessed us, has a plan for us, forgives us, and just like I have to discipline my kids and love them even though they are not perfect. My heavenly father loves me even though I have a few beers, say a curse word once and awhile, and yell at my kids for unrolling all the TP.

He loves me because I love him... he loves me because I am his child... he loves me because he created me. And let me tell ya, my God is always there... he never leaves me. He loves me!

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,

    Can I please get a mailing address to you all? I would like to send you all some of my "Freedom" T-shirts. I have them in Red, White and Blue. You can see them on Ebay at I would like to make sure I get one to John and you and if there is anybody else that supports your activities as well. Also, can I get a rough idea of sizes? or if you prefer a specific color?

    I promoted my "American Soldier and US Veteran" this way, and I think it is time to promote the other shirt.

    I really don't make any money off of these - they were inspired and I expect that is the reason. If you get it and don't like it, give it to someone that does - and preferably, will wear it. We want people wearing these shirts - even if I got to go back for a reprint or two.

    You can email me at Would you also send me information on how to connect to your feed or any others - I am not the best in technology.


    Kerry Reynolds
